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NUL Draft Local Plan, Staffordshire Police Christmas Crackdown

Written by on 12 January 2024

Next steps are being set out by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council following consultation on the first draft of the Local Plan governing development in the area until 2040.

Thousands of comments on the possible future location of homes, businesses, community facilities and protected green spaces are being reviewed.

Submissions during the consultation focused on proposals for specific areas, comments questioning forecasts for housing need, support for the use of brownfield sites and views on the possibility of creating employment sites in different parts of the borough.

Following January’s Cabinet discussion, work will continue on the Local Plan, which will go to Full Council for all councillors to have a say. Then, if approved, it will go to a second public consultation later this year.

Finally, an independent inspector will examine the plan in light of previous responses and may take further submissions from anyone trying to change it, if they have already made formal comment earlier in proceedings.


Staffordshire Police arrested more than 150 people during their Christmas crackdown on drink and drug driving.
The operation, which ran from 1 December to 1 January, led to 152 arrests relating to intoxication behind the wheel across Staffordshire, these figures were as a result of 429 roadside breath tests, with 117 positive results, and a further 38 motorists provided positive drug wipes.