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21.11.22 – Winter Care in Staffordshire, Violence Reduction Alliance

Written by on 20 November 2022

Health and care organisations across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent have come together to agree a plan to help keep everyone safe this winter.  And they are asking everyone to help play a part in making sure the NHS is able to provide the support needed.  Although services are busy year-round, demand always peaks in winter.

Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones, Chief Medical Officer for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board said: “Winter and the arrival of colder weather always lead to increased demand. People become more vulnerable to breathing-related illness, there are more heart attacks, and we always see an increase in slips and falls.

“This year we are also concerned with the possibility of a ‘twindemic’ – increases in COVID and flu.

“We have to remember that we are still catching up with COVID backlogs, and that sickness rates of our own staff also increase in the winter.

“That’s why we have come together to make sure services are more joined up than ever with a comprehensive Winter Plan.”

Measures include a special falls service that will help people in their own homes, plans to assess more people in their homes before a decision is taken about whether they need to go to hospital, and the recruitment of more health and care reserves ………

Dr Edmondson-Jones added: “I would ask that everyone helps play their part in keeping demand on services manageable.

“For instance, if you have a relative or friend who is frail, you can make sure that their home is as free of trip hazards as possible, and that they wear slippers that are not worn out or dangerous. You can also check that they heat their homes properly and don’t become unwell because they are concerned about their bills.

“It is also vitally important that anyone eligible for a flu vaccination and winter COVID booster gets them as soon as possible.”

If you are worried about your health of that of someone you care for you can use or dial 111.


Members of the Violence Reduction Alliance have hosted a Community Safety event at the New Vic Theatre with pupils from local schools from across Stoke-on-Trent.

This event on Wednesday 16 November, which included workshops and planned activities for and featured two sessions in the morning and afternoon for pupils.

A virtual reality session was also organised by Round Midnight, showcasing the dangers of knife crime.

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue, and Crime, Ben Adams said: “Reducing violence – and the fear of violence – is a key priority for me as Commissioner. It forms an important part of our broader partnership approach to reducing violence through the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Violence Reduction Alliance.

“New research from the Youth Endowment Fund shows that nationally, young people are being seriously impacted by violence and the fear of violence, with almost two thirds changing their behaviour in some way as a result.

“Understanding how young people across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent feel about violence is vital. Community safety and violence form part of Personal, Social, Health & Economic education, which is why we’ve funded PSHE coordinators to support schools in talking to young people about topics such as knife crime and staying safe.”

Stoke-on-Trent City Council leads a Community Safety Partnership and are a key partner in the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Violence Reduction Alliance, where organisations and services join up and work together to protect local communities from crime and help people feel safe.