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12:00 am 7:00 am

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The Mighty Jukebox

12:00 am 7:00 am

Policing and Fire and Rescue in Staffordshire – Have your Say!!

Written by on 15 October 2024

If you live, work or visit Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, there is just one more week to have your say on the priorities outlined in Staffordshire Commissioner Ben Adams’ proposed Local Police & Crime Plan, and Fire & Rescue Plan for 2024-2028. The consultation, which closes on 21 October, is an opportunity to give your feedback on the region’s Policing and Fire & Rescue priorities.

Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire & Rescue and Crime Ben Adams said: “As elected Commissioner, I am responsible for securing effective, efficient Police and Fire & Rescue services. These plans set the local direction and priorities for the next four years to deliver that while detailing how I intend to work with the services and partners to support victims, prevent crime and reduce harm.  The proposed plans inform the operational plans developed by our Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer, which take account of national factors and the risks we face in Staffordshire. I will continue to invest in the technology, training and people to help the Police and Fire & Rescue meet both these wider challenges and your local expectations of the services.

Your views matter!  I want these refreshed plans to reflect what is important for our communities in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, and I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to share their feedback with me.”

Please visit Have Your Say – Staffordshire Commissioner ( to view the full draft Police & Crime Plan, and Fire & Rescue Plan 2024-2028, and share your views with the Commissioner.

All responses will be collated anonymously and used to inform the plans’ priorities.