Chrissy Mountford
Name: Christine Mountford ( Chrissy)
Birthplace: Stoke-On-Trent
What is your star sign? Gemini
Give us an interesting fact about yourself: I am a twin to a boy and one of 11 children
What’s your favourite film? The Colour Purple
Which famous person would you like to meet? Diana Ross
What is on your ‘bucket list’? A girlie holiday abroad with my pals..and to start dancing again
What is your favourite song of all time and why? My favourite song is ‘Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Hand’ by Diana Ross. I just love the sentiment of this song – and it’s a reminder that there is always somebody worse off and we never know what battles people are facing and a little act of kindness goes a long way.
What do you love about Newcastle-under-Lyme? Absolutely everything..the people are just the nicest.. always willing to help.. and it’s got something for everyone