Our Space Staffs
It’s our spooktacular Halloween Disco this Saturday (28th), 6.30pm till 9.00pm . So find your best and scariest Halloween costume and join us for some spooky tunes and ghoulish dancing! This is for anyone aged 16 plus who has a disability……£5 per person, carers free. For more information, email office@ourspacestaffs.org.uk. Hope to see you there […]
Our Space Staffs – is an amazing local charity who look after local youngsters with disabilities. I have spoken to Faye Johnson on air a few times about the good work they do at Our Space and they are of course always doing all they can to raise funds. Well Faye, who herself has a […]
‘Our Space’ is a local charity which is based in Newcastle. It is a great place where young people with a disability can be independent and they can find emotional support and also a social life – we have mentioned the ‘Our Space’ discos on more than one occasion. Our Space, provides play sessions and […]