Staffordshire Libraries
Have you had an upgrade to your IT this Christmas? Why not donate your unwanted IT to help local people get connected. Staffordshire County Council is working with the Community Foundation for Staffordshire to provide recycled I.T. equipment to local people. There are still people in our communities who don’t have the I.T. equipment they […]
Did you know Staffordshire Libraries provide safe, warm, and welcoming spaces with access to lots of great services, such as FREE books and electronic resources. With a Staffordshire library card, you can download eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines, eComics, and eNewspapers on the go! At Staffordshire Libraries you have access to Wi-Fi and desktop computers and […]
The Summer Reading Challenge which is an initiative of Staffordshire Libraries and The Reading Agency. Libraries across Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent are taking part – go to your local library and sign up – you will get a starter pack with a poster and stickers and you can take three books away – read […]

THOUSANDS of JCB employees toasted the Coronation in style this weekend – thanks to a commemorative gift from the Bamford family. More than 8,500 special hampers were presented to JCB and agency employees in the UK to mark the historic event thanks to an idea from Carole Bamford, wife of JCB Chairman Anthony Bamford. Lord […]
Staffordshire Day, is back for 2023 with a packed programme of exciting events and activities. This year, the theme is Our theme for 2023 is Learn Something New, throwing the spotlight on the new skills you can pick up at our attractions, the incredible creativity which sets us apart from other counties, and the hidden […]
Today, Thursday 2nd March Staffordshire libraries will be celebrating all things children’s books with World Book Day. Children up and down the county will be encouraged by their schools to dress up as their favourite book character from Harry Potter to Little Red Riding Hood aimed to spread the joy of reading. Encouraging a love […]
If you aren’t already a member …join up today!! Did you know Staffordshire Libraries provide safe, warm, and welcoming spaces with access to lots of great services, such as FREE books and electronic resources. With a Staffordshire library card, you can download eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines, eComics, and eNewspapers on the go! At Staffordshire Libraries […]
With regards to saving money – have you joined your local library – it is free to join!. A lot of local libraries are now providing warm spaces and there are so many books you can borrow for all the family including audio books – also magazines and comics– you can download books on line […]