08.11.22 – NUL Call for Sites, Newcastle Local Plan, Bird Flu Requirements, Christmas Parking in NUL
Written by Hitmix Local News on 8 November 2022
Residents, businesses and land-owners are being encouraged to take part in the ‘Call for Sites’ as part of Newcastle’s Local Plan process.
The Council’s planning policy officers have launched the programme this week and it will remain open.
Cabinet member with responsibility for strategic planning, Cllr. Andrew Fear, said: “Newcastle-under-Lyme needs good homes and diverse employment opportunities for residents, both now and in the future – but we want to protect the borough’s heritage and natural environment.
“As a planning authority, the Council wants to be in a position where we can support the building of new homes and attract new businesses but can allow these to be developed on the borough’s brownfield sites, not our greenfield sites. This has the backing of our residents, it is a message that has come through incredibly clearly, and we have listened. “
The council now need people to come forward with brownfield sites that they can identify as such in the local plan. This will allow the best use to be made of all available land to help protect the borough’s much loved green spaces.
Once the completed Local Plan has been finalised it will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination and approval. It will form an essential framework for the borough’s housing, employment, retail, leisure and transport requirements for the period up to 2040.
It will guide planning decisions – setting out what will and will not be permitted – and will guide regeneration to make sure that the borough’s heritage and natural environment are protected.
For any further information, or if you have a question, please email the Council’s Planning Policy team at planningpolicy@newcastle-staffs.gov.uk
Newcastle-under-Lyme will once again have free parking to encourage shoppers into town over Christmas.
From 18 November parking at Newcastle’s Midway car park will be free from 10am to 1pm every day. After 1pm it will cost just £1. Sunday parking is free all year round.
The free parking incentive will run throughout the Christmas and New Year period, up to 6 January 2023.
People who keep birds and poultry are being asked to keep their birds indoors to limit the spread of bird flu.
The mandatory housing measures introduced by the UK’s chief veterinary officer, make it a legal requirement to keep the animals inside and to follow strict biosecurity measures to help protect flocks from disease.
The new rules come into force on TODAY and apply to anyone keeping birds, whether it’s a few hens in a back garden, rearing game birds or a large commercial farm.
The restrictions follow a rising number of cases of avian flu across the country including a number of cases close to home – in Audley and Endon
Staffordshire County Council’s Trading Standards Animal Health team is reminding people to remain alert for any signs of the disease and to report suspected cases immediately.
Further information on how to help prevent the spread of avian flu is available at: www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu