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The Mighty Jukebox

12:00 am 7:00 am

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The Mighty Jukebox

12:00 am 7:00 am

Soul Specials with Colin Curtis

Written by on 8 February 2023

A few weeks back, Colin Curtis along with his studio guest Tim Ashibende did a Keith Minshull Special – Keith of course passed away just over 2 years ago, and Colin and Tim talked about Keiths life and played some great Northern Soul from 8 until midnight.  It went down so well that Colin has another few special shows in the pipeline, starting with next Friday, 17th February where Colin with be chatting to Soul legend Pep about his soul journey from the 60’s through to today – including his time at the catacombs, Tiffany’s and more – they will be looking at the History of Soul – and what some people don’t know who love this type of music today, we wouldn’t have it if people like Colin, Keith Minshull, Pep and others hadn’t gone to America to discover it and bring it back to the UK – it is all very interesting. Two more are planned after that – Friday 24th March with special guest Alan Kitchener and on Friday 21st April the lovely Tim Ashibende is back with Colin.  SoColin Curtis something to look forward to there!