24.04.23 – Kings Award for Enterprise winners, Trading Standards Allergen Labelling Advice
Written by Hitmix Local News on 23 April 2023
Two Staffordshire companies have been recognised for their contribution to business in the 2023 King’s Awards for Enterprise.
The awards are presented annually and winners are selected in categories including, innovation, international trade, sustainable development, and promoting opportunity through social mobility. The winners are selected by an independent panel of judges who are experts in their respective fields.
Protectapet Ltd, based in Newcastle won their award for innovation while Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce won the award for promoting opportunity through social mobility. Both organisations will receive their awards later this year from the Staffordshire Lieutenancy office on behalf of the King.
Ian Dudson, Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire and James Leavesley, Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire, with Simon and Eve Davies at the National Memorial Arboretum.
Trading Standards officers at Staffordshire County Council are helping local food businesses understand their responsibilities around food allergen labelling. The reminder coincides with Allergy Awareness Week, starting today through to 30 April, to highlight the risks associated with food allergies. ‘It’s time to take allergies seriously’ is the theme of this year’s national campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the psychological impact and isolation that comes with living with an allergy.
Food allergies can range from mild to life-threatening, and anyone eating in a restaurant, bar or takeaway has the right to receive allergen information, either in written format or verbally. This should include the name of the food and a full list of ingredients, with any of the 14 major allergens emphasised in the list.
Further information about food allergies is available at Allergy UK.
People can report cases where they believe food is not correctly labelled to the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 08082231133.