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18.05.23 – Walk to School Week, County Lines Drug Dealing Arrest

Written by on 18 May 2023

Thousands of school children from across Staffordshire are taking part in this year’s ‘Walk to School Week’ celebration.

The annual campaign, from 15 to 19 May, is encouraging all children that can walk, to join in with the national festival of walking.

This year, in Staffordshire up to 18,000 pupils could be taking part. Over 380 schools are receiving promotional materials to help promote the event including, outdoor promotional banners, posters, and signs along with a range of digital resources.  Schools can also request bookmarks for free as a reward for any pupils that make the effort to walk at least some of the way to school.

David Williams, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport at Staffordshire County Council said: “This is a fun campaign that we look forward to each year and it’s great to see so many schools joining in.

“Staying active and walking, cycling or scooting to school have so many benefits for the community and it’s something we are keen to see more of. More active travel helps to keep parents and children fit and healthy as well as helping reduce the amount of traffic on the roads which helps cut back on air pollution.

“I’d like to say a huge well done to those schools, children and parents taking part in this year’s event.”

The county council’s Active School Travel team also co-ordinates Bikeability, scooter training, and the Staffordshire STARS school travel planning scheme.  Working in partnership with schools, the team are able to help  improve physical health, air quality and ease congestion at the school gates.

Further details for parents and schools on the campaign, or how to get involved in active school travel activities in Staffordshire is available at

Photo captions:

Image 1 (L-R): Headteacher, Roz Winter and Year 4 teacher Sarah Tyson at Horninglow Primary School, Burton

Image 2: Active Travel Ambassadors promoting the Walk to School Week campaign

Image 3 – David Williams


Staffordshire Police have arrested a woman in connection with county lines drugs dealing in Staffordshire.

Officers detained the woman after receiving intelligence about her activities at around 7pm on Monday (15 May) on King Street Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Following a search, officers seized a quantity of class A drugs including cocaine, ecstasy and LSD as well as some cannabis vegetation and £650 in cash.

The 25-year-old, from the Walsall, was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A drugs with intent to supply.

She remains in police custody while our inquiries continue.

Detective Inspector Tim Boulton of Staffordshire Police’s major and organised crime team, said: “We are determined to target and disrupt any drug activity in our communities, especially county lines dealing, which has a devastating impact on our area as well as the individuals involved.

“This type of dealing sees organised crime groups use phone lines to move and supply drugs, usually from cities into smaller towns and rural areas.

“These groups exploit vulnerable people, including children and those with mental health or addiction issues, by recruiting them to distribute the drugs as ‘runners’.

“Criminals may also use a vulnerable person’s home as their base of operations. This is known as ‘cuckooing’.

“We would like to encourage anyone who suspects drug dealing in their area to contact us so we can continue to take action to prevent these harmful substances getting on our streets.”

For more information on how to spot the signs of drug dealing and county lines activity, see: County lines | Staffordshire Police.