05.07.23 – NHS Celebrates 75 Years, Disability Football at Newcastle Town FC
Written by Hitmix Local News on 5 July 2023
Today, the NHS will mark 75 years of service, and people all across Staffordshire are being encouraged to join the celebrations. Founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system in the world, available to all; free at the point of delivery. To help mark the day the NHS are encouraging as many buildings, historic monuments and other high profile sites across the country to ‘light up’ blue this evening. Residents and those working in the NHS are also being invited to share photos of themselves in their NHS uniforms on social media using #NHS75. The day will also be used to help showcase the best of the NHS and those working in and around the sector.
Julia Jessel, Cabinet Member for Health and Care at Staffordshire County Council said: “There’s lots of different ways to get involved and we’re encouraging as many people as possible to join in. Whether it’s attending events in your local area, sharing stories on social media, volunteering or supporting NHS charities, there will be something for everyone.
And remember to share your stories on social media using #NHS75.”
People can find out more on the NHS birthday events and news webpage.
Local Club, Newcastle Town who launched a new 3G Pitch recently at Roe Lane have introduced a new football course, run by a qualified Newcastle Town Football Club coach, for children under 12 who have a disability.
The Comets Football Programme is a brilliant new initiative run by the Staffordshire Football Association, providing opportunities for children with a disability to play purely for the enjoyment of the game.
Gavin Appleby, chairman of Newcastle Town Football Club, said: “We are only the second club in the county to confirm that we will be running these courses and it’s really pleasing to see our fantastic new facility being accessed by our local communities, which is a big motivation for myself and the club.
The sessions will be every Friday for 10 weeks on the new 3G pitch at our Roe Lane training ground. Sessions will run from 5-6pm starting on Friday 7 July.
For further information on the Comets disability football programme, please contact ntfcyouthtreasurer@outlook.com
To book on to a session, please visit https://play.englandfootball.thefa.com/Book/ed4c26f4-3e1a-40c3-aa41-be4dcd2ad774?venue=NewcastleTownFC