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The BIG Drive Home

4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Summer Holiday Activities – Better Together

Written by on 13 July 2023

Better Together - Summer Holiday Activities.
Better Together Community Support Group have unveiled part of their program of activities for the Summer holidays.
Activities will be available for young people from toddlers to teenagers at the Jollies Cabaret venue on London Road, Stoke, and the charity’s Community Hub in Trent Vale, the Community Garden in Clayton and other venues around the city. Further updates will be made via social media.
Jollies will be playing host to activities for toddlers, all of which will have specific themes including space, under the sea, and the human body. The full list of dates and themes is as follows:
•	24th July, Space 
•	31st July, Weather 
•	7th August, The Human Body
•	14th August, Under the Sea
•	21st August, Teddy Bears Picnic
•	4th September, Bouncy Castle
Parents and toddlers attending will have an opportunity to play and do crafts in a safe and friendly environment.
Teenagers attending the youth group held at the Trent Vale hub have devised a program of activities for the Summer holidays. These include gardening, crafts and a book group for young adults.
Better Together will also be holding a fishing session at Furnace Pool in Silverdale Country Park, between 11am and 4pm on Monday 21st August. Children aged under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Full details are available on the Better Together Facebook and Instagram pages.
The Better Together group for teenagers meets every Tuesday at the Community Hub, 4 Woodberry Close, Trent Vale between 4pm and 5:30pm
A spokesperson for Better Together said “at a time when budgets are tight families need all the help, they can get keeping the kids entertained during the holidays and we are happy to play a small part in doing so”.
Better Together was set up in 2018 by Birgit Alport and her husband Colin and has grown in less than a decade to provide a range of support services including parent and baby groups and a community café. They also operate a Community Hub in Trent Vale.
All the events are free to attend, to book a place email;