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The Mighty Jukebox

12:00 am 7:00 am

13.07.23 – Independent Review praises Councils work, New Changing Rooms at ‘The Wammy’

Written by on 13 July 2023

An independent report has concluded that Newcastle Borough Council has strong leadership, financial stability and is poised to deliver ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ regeneration projects.

A Local Government Association inspection of the authority’s work praised its financial management and clear, steady leadership, and for attracting “enviable amounts of Government funding to deliver physical regeneration”.

The team, comprising an experienced council leader and senior officers from local authorities in other parts of England, also highlighted Newcastle’s ability to work jointly to deliver good services, a rigorous savings programme and staff’s pride in the Borough.

Describing the council’s determination to deal with the Walleys Quarry issue as “exemplary”, the report said other bodies recognised the strength of community engagement and political leadership provided by the authority.

The report added: “Partners agreed that the council came together and stood up to lead the community response ‘above and beyond’ what is typical. The ongoing commitment of the council to this cannot be overstated and the peer team recognise the crucial role it has played in committing resources and capacity to this.”


Changing rooms with toilets and showers are to be built to improve a popular sports field.

Once complete, Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council will hand over the day-to-day management of the building at the Wammy to Newcastle Town Football Club, which already manages the pitches there.

Funding has come from the Borough Council’s successful bid for £23 million of Town Deal funding for a range of projects in Newcastle, including the Knutton Village Masterplan.

Contractors are close to being appointed and it is hoped that the changing rooms will be ready for the 2024/25 season.

Newcastle Town FC runs 55 junior boys’ and girls’ teams and have recently introduced provision for people with disabilities.